From May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) creates strict standards for how personal data is used and held. If you’re an advertiser, that means giving new levels of access, transparency and control to the consumers you target.

MDG Partners is the easiest way to meet GDPR requirements, including a robust opt in / opt out process and convenient ways for customers to see, revise, or remove the data that is held on them.

When it comes to online privacy, the law is on your side. Advertisers need your active consent to send advertising messages your way – and need to remain completely transparent about how your data is managed and used.

Most of this is covered under the new General Data Protection Regulation, a standard that defines strict new requirements from May 2018.

The MDG Partners logo is a stamp of approval – your visual cue that your privacy is protected. In accordance with GDPR, it means that:

  • Your have a right to opt in and out
  • You have to a right to choose which channels advertisers use to reach you
  • You have a right to see the data advertisers hold about you – and change it if it’s wrong
  • You have a right to have your data deleted
  • You have a right to opt out of marketing or data processing by MDG Partners at any time
  • The services provided to you by brands you opt into or out of are separate to, and unaffected by, your rights as outlined above.
  • Here’s the truth about online advertising. In an ideal world, we all want the same thing. You only want to see ads from brands you like, and advertisers don’t want to waste budget reaching people who will never buy their products. MDG Partners gives you a transparent view of the brands who have asked permission to contact you and the data they hold. So you can manage that data, tell us which brands you want to hear more, or less, from, and get exclusive offers from brands you love and lookalike brands you might love in future.

We can help with:

White label service Use the innovative technology of MDG Partners to bring your data to GDPR compliant standards and manage your own customer transparency.

Third-party data processing Let MDG Partners handle the opt in / opt out process as well as all transparency requirements in one managed package. Data cleansing With a detailed data audit, we’ll transform the quality of your data and remove non-compliant records for you.